Donnerstag, 22. April 2010

Dark Den - Let the sunshine in...

I am so glad! La Prezz Ava declared a new law and this one really makes sense to me. Due to ongoing disturbances females are not allowed to carry weapons anymore. Now all we need is a second law for all males not to carry weapons anymore either and there we have it. Peace! I am a pacifist anyway and I never carry any weapons let alone use them against someone. Yeah, call me a hippy. Make love not war.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Scarmon's usual smile produced by reading his girl's updates is suddenly replaced by a scowl as he takes a second look at the picture attached to it....Unless that's old file footage being used, she's not wearing the white silks she was ordered to wear...He fingers his belt with a dark, brooding look.

  2. Master that picture is old. I am wearing the white silks.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. The only times I have encountered weapons in Glint have been when for some unexplainable offence I have had a load of arrows unloaded into my undefended ass. Oh.... that was fun.... what now? Where is the roleplay now? Maybe I'm missing some point. Probably

    Dr. Venn

  4. Yes, see? The focus will change now that there are less weapons around. People will have to use their brains. I am glad you agree with me, Sir.
